Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Lately ive been having a hard time sleeping.

It could be stress, it could be a number of things.

My doctor has offered to give me sleeping pills, yet because of my copd, im leary of taking such pills as sleeping pills would slow my breathing and drop my oxygen levels, and this scares me,,,,,

SO, being the good wiccan that I am, ive decided to drink some tea that I belive has the properties needed to allow me to relax, that will help me to ease my tensions.

Lets talk about healing properties of chamomile ,the magickal properties of chamomile, or chamomile tea..


GAELIC NAME : Athair Talamh :: Fíogadán
LATIN NAME : Anthemis nobilis.

COMMON / FOLK NAMES : Camomyle, Chamaimelon, Ground Apple, Herrmannchen (German), Manzanilla (Spanish), Maythen, Roman Camomile, Whig Plant.


DESCRIPTION : This herb is a low perennial found in dry fields and around gardens and cultivated areas. The stem is procumbent, the leaves alternate bipinnate, finely dissected and downy to glabrous.
The solitary terminal flowerheads, rising eight to ten inches above the ground consists of prominent yellow disk flowers and silver-white ray flowers.

PROPERTIES : Anodyne, Antispasmodic, Aromatic, Bitter tonic, Stimulant stomachic.

USES : Chamomile tea is good for flatulent colic, dyspepsia, and for fever and restlessness in children.
It also makes a good wash for sores and wounds. Chamomile oil can be taken internally for stomach cramps, spasms and colic.
Chamomile tea is very relaxing and can help insomnia if a small cupful is taken before bedtime.

Preparation : Use 1 tablespoon of flowers with one cup of boiling water and infuse for five minutes, then drink.


GENDER : Masculine.
ELEMENT : Water.
POWERS : Money, Sleep, Love, Purification.
CELTIC DEITIES: Midhir Aengus Óg Lugh Aine


Call on the powers of Midhir while holding some chamomile leaves to gain prosperity.

Call on the powers of Aengus Óg for love.

Call on Lugh to gain a good night's sleep.

Call on Aine for purification and protection.


Chamomile can be used in sleep and meditation incenses. When sprinkled around your home it removes curses and spells cast against you.

Just the musings of the good witch!

Bright Blessings

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